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Progress in the Kitchen!

November 21, 2011

This weekend was dedicated to the kitchen renovation (more on that herehere, and here).  The next step is creating the base cabinet for the wrap around counter.  Ryan and his dad spent the majority of Saturday morning making sawdust in the shop.  I ran errands, so unfortunately I wasn’t there to document the making of the unit, but it turned out great!


Here is the finished shell:

base cabinet frame

This may seem like small potatoes, but we are totally thrilled this project is starting to take shape!  To get the feel of how the counter will flow we placed some cardboard pieces on top…

There will fascia that covers the entire front.  This will make this unit (and faux bottom) feel like once cohesive piece.  Before we can start on that part I had to break out some wood putty and get the screw holes covered.

After a few light coats, it sanded down nicely for a smooth finish.  That’s ready for some primer and white paint to match our existing white cabinets.

There was 16 holes that needed this love.  Let’s just say, ugh.  You may be wondering how we are going to  finish the counter tops….well, that was a several day shopping experience in itself!  Since we are putting so much work into the kitchen we knew we wanted to replace all the counter tops rather than matching the (not-so awful) laminate.   At the Lowes, we found solid surface tops that were acrylic and cheap.  It was just not us.  We decided we liked the Corian surfaces at Home Depot.   But then the kitchen designer suggested some granite….she was able to put us in granite for just a little more bucks per square foot.  So you guessed it, we went with granite.

The winner???


It’s called “Azul Platino”.  It’s a light grey with black, white, cream, and flecks of silver.   It matches the grey walls perfectly and compliments the white cabinets and brushed nickle pulls perfectly!

We are very excited about the decision.  I think the beautiful granite will flow nicely with the rest of the granite that we have in all the baths throughout the house.  So there you have it.  Our progress in moving along.  I can’t wait to get the guys in here to template the tops.  It should take about 4 weeks or so to get it all in…boo!  In the mean time we have lots more to get finished before they arrive!

Happy Monday!

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